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Support JCSO.
Affordable Membership Levels
JCSO relies on dedicated volunteers – there are no paid employees.
Funds come from membership dues and voluntary contributions from generous donors, bequests and benefactors who care about children.
Family Member
To become a member of the JCSO family, annual dues are $25. We look forward to your joining us.
Contributing Member
The annual donation to JCSO by Contributing Members is $36. Please become a Contributing Member today.
Life Member
To reflect your commitment to children in need, you can become a Life Member of JCSO for only $250. Make a difference in young lives and the life of our community.
Contribution Cards and Designer Cards
JCSO cards are perfect to send to a friend in honor of a birthday, anniversary, new baby, or in memory of a recent death. Prices are reasonable and all proceeds go towards Scholarships, Camperships, or Basic Needs, such as food and clothing.
A packet of three attractive Contribution Cards is available for a donation of $10.00. (blue lettering on white)
Distinctive and attractive Designer Cards, may be purchased with a contribution to JCSO, $3.00 each or 3 for $25.
For more information, email jcsohartford@gmail.com
More Ways to Contribute
We welcome donations in memory of or in honor of individuals.
Click here for list of current JCSO Funds.
You may also establish a Fund to support the work of JCSO.
Checks can be made out to JCSO and mailed to:
Jewish Children’s Service Organization, P.O. Box 370386, Bishop’s Corner Branch, West Hartford, CT 06137-0386
JCSO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please check with your tax advisor.
Thank you!