Invest in our children.
JCSO Funds
Operating Funds
Backpack Income Fund
Basic Needs Income Fund
Camp Funds
Eva Weinberg Stoltz Campership Fund
M. Joseph & Leonard Neikrie Campership Fund
Chanukkah Fund
Cion-Zucker Chanukah Fund
General Chanukah Fund
Contribution Cards
Designer Cards
Regular Cards
General Fund
Scholarship Fund
Eisenberg Family Fund
Ida & Sam Rosen Fund
New Americans Fund
General Scholarship Fund
Named funds have been established to support various needs.
An initial contribution of at least $3,000 is required to establish a named fund.
Please feel free to inquire about starting a fund either in honor or in memory of a loved one or contributing to an existing fund.
Email us at jcsohartford@gmail.com
Restricted Funds
Income only used, except for Hirst Fund, when principal may also be used.
Basic Needs Funds
Margaret N. Kahn Fund
Rita Ackerman Felsenfeld Memorial Fund
Susan’s Spring Shopping Fund
Abraham & Bertha Goldberg Chanukah Fund
Judaic Studies Fund
Charlotte Hirst Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Funds
Hans & Alma Bodenheimer Memorial Fund
Malcolm & Lilo K. Snyder Fund
Sandra & Eugene Flaxman Fund